The templates and tools on this webpage are provided as a free resource for you to you for use in designing your projects. This material is copyrighted and may not be repurposed for commercial gain. Our privacy policy and terms of use can be accessed here. LightingJUMP templates are schematic in nature, to establish an initial basis of design. Prior to finalizing lighting designs and ordering lights, designers should consult local licensed professionals who are experts in building codes and regulations applicable to their project.
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We independently review everything we recommend, and we hope our tools help you to confidently execute your design vision!
VIBE: Warm, magical, energized.
LIGHTING STRATEGY: Most of the light in this room needs to be directed toward the walls & ceiling.
ROOM FINISHES: Walls and ceilings should be medium to dark tones, with matte/satin finishes.
VIBE: Clean, expansive, ordered.
LIGHTING STRATEGY: Most of the light in this room needs to be aimed at the walls, to make the space “feel” bright.
ROOM FINISHES: Walls and ceilings should be bright tones. Matte finishes are recommended because they will appear brighter than finishes which are glossy.